GS Artists warmly invite you to our next opening on Friday 4th October, from 6.30-8.30 pm. At GS Artists, 217 High Street, Swansea SA1 1P
Kathryn Ashill presents Night of the Triangles
Ticketed performance at 6pm – please book here-
Estynnir gwahoddiad gwresog i chi i ymuno â GS Artists ar gyfer ein hagoriad nesaf ar dydd Gwener 4ydd o Hydref.
GS Artists, 217 Stryd Fawr Abertawe SA1 1PE
Kathryn Ashill sy’n cyflwyno Night of the Triangles
Perfformiad â thocynnau am 6pm – archebwch yma os gwelwch yn dda-
Join Artist Kathryn Ashill and local performers as they retell the story of the infamous intergalactic Night of The Triangles. Multiple sources claimed to see numerous UFO’s across Swansea’s night sky. Ashill presents this performance and exhibition after a period of research that explored the history of this night. Reports were made of eyewitness accounts by children, teachers and local residents, who all claimed to experience seeing a large triangular shaped object fly in the sky on a cold January evening in 1983.
Ymunwch â’r artist Kathryn Ashill a pherfformwyr lleol wrth iddynt adrodd hanes Noson Rynggalactig enwog The Night of Triangles. Honnodd sawl ffynhonnell eu bod yn gweld nifer o UFO ar draws awyr nos Abertawe. Ashill sy’n cyflwyno’r perfformiad a’r arddangosfa hon ar ôl cyfnod o ymchwil a oedd yn archwilio hanes o adroddiadau llygad-dystion gan blant, athrawon a thrigolion lleol, a honnodd pob un ohonynt brofi gweld gwrthrych mawr siâp trionglog yn hedfan yn yr awyr ar noson oer ym mis Ionawr 1983.
Open Friday October 4th till October 26th
Hydref 4ydd hyd Hydref 26ain
Gallery open Wednesday – Saturday 12-4pm.
Oriel ar agor Dydd Mercher – Dydd Sadwrn 12-4pm.
OR by appointment – email [email protected]
Yn ogystal mae’r sioe ar agor drwy apwyntiad – ebostiwch [email protected]
Artist Biography b. 1984 Wales
Live performance, video and installation present Ashill’s personal experiences of lived working class identity. The culture clash between the artists background and artistic practice sits in the disjointed narratives within the work. Ashill pursues the theatricality in the everyday whilst sharing fragments of autobiography, observations on people, history and site.
The frequent use of drag in the artist’s work opens up a dialogue about the history of the drag king in contemporary performance, as well as facilitates the exploration of the artists gender identity.
Past work by Ashill has seen them focus on the gender politics and history of the Principal Boy in British pantomime, interspecies relationships in art collaboration and healthcare, a fake cowboy town nestled in the South Wales valleys. Ashill pursues the absurd within the everyday of Welsh life. Queer and Crip theory are at the heart of Ashiil’s work. Theatre flats and the DIY aesthetic of amateur dramatics articulate the materiality of these themes.
Kathryn Ashill completed their PhD at the University of Manchester, where they explored the potential of inter-species collaboration in artwork creation through performance and human healthcare. This research was funded by the Wellcome Trust. Ashill also has a BA Honours in Fine Art (Combined Media) from Swansea Metropolitan University (now University of Wales Trinity St Davids), and has an MFA degree from Glasgow School of Art, and has exhibited work nationally and internationally.
Bywgraffiad Artist. 1984 Cymru
Mae perfformiadau byw, fideo a gosodwaith yn rhan o fynegiad personol Ashill o brofiadau bywyd a hunaniaeth dosbarth gweithiol. Mae’r gwrthdaro diwylliannol rhwng cefndir yr artist a’u hymarfer artistig yn eistedd o fewn y naratifau anghydlynol sydd i’w gweld yn y gwaith. Mae Ashill yn mynd ar ôl elfennau theatraidd bywyd bob dydd ar y cyd â rhannu darnau o hunan-fywgraffiad, ac arsylwadau am bobl, hanes a safleoedd.
Mae’r defnydd cyson o drag yng ngwaith yr artist yn agor deialog ynglŷn â hanes y brenin drag o fewn perfformio cyfoes, ynghyd â bod yn offeryn i hwyluso archwiliad yr artist o’u hunaniaeth rhywedd. Mae gwaith blaenorol Ashill wedi canolbwyntio ar wleidyddiaeth rhywedd a hanes y Principal Boy mewn pantomeim Prydeinig, perthnasau rhyng-rhywogaethol yng nghyd-destun cydweithio rhwng celf a gofal iechyd, a thref cowboi ffug yng Nghymoedd De Cymru. Mae Ashill yn dilyn trywydd abswrdiaeth ym mywyd bob dydd Cymru. Mae theori Cwiar a Crip wrth galon gwaith Ashill, a defnyddir setiau theatr ac estheteg DIY actio amatur i fynegi materoldeb y themâu hyn.
Cwblhaodd Kathryn Ashill eu PhD ym Mhrifysgol Manceinion, lle buont yn archwilio potensial cydweithio rhyng-rhywogaethol wrtj greu gwaith celf drwy gyfrwng perfformio a gofal iechyd dynol. Cafodd yr ymchwil hwn ei ariannu gan Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome. Mae Ashill hefyd yn meddu ar BA Anrh. mewn Celf Gain (Cyfrwng Cymysg) o Brifysgol Fetropolitan Abertawe (Prifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant bellach), a derbyniodd radd MFA o’r Glasgow School of Art, ac mae wedi arddangos gwaith yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol.